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There is a sensitivity that makes the cosmos a living entity. Cymatics (from Greek Kyma: wave) studies creative vibration at every level from molecular to galactic. It discovers hidden laws that were once evident to everyone.

The cosmos is sound. Sound is vibration and vibration is everywhere, it exists in all elements. Every object that surrounds us, every being, animate or inanimate, emits a vibration. According to this theory we can, through vibration, manage to do things that we do not even imagine.

If we let ourselves be carried away by the sound of the vibrating spheres (for example when singing) our soul rises and we discover at each new level a more subtle state, a more enchanting beauty, a greater spiritual intensity, a more overflowing pleasure. It was in these celestial spheres of the world of images that Pythagoras listened to the music of the spheres. Then, he returned to his material body. As a result of what he had heard determined the musical relationships and perfected the science of music. The soul rises above the earth and finds itself in the region of the planetary spheres. When a person dies the physical body first undergoes its natural fate of decomposition. What remains of the person, the only immortal part, now enters what has been called Harmony, a term that emphasizes the musical nature of the planetary spheres. And then, with all the energies of Harmony stripped of it, clothed only with its own power, that Nature that belongs to the eighth sphere enters and with the beings that are there they sing hymns to the Father, and all who are there rejoice at its arrival. As in all Gnostic doctrine – esoteric branch of the Christian and Judaic religion, based on an intuitive and mysterious knowledge of the divine – it is established that the soul once enjoyed a state of heaven from which, for one reason or another, it descended to occupy his abode in an earthly body. In the words of C.G. Jung: “The ascent through the planetary spheres means a liberation, the overcoming of a psychic obstacle. Whoever has passed through all spheres is free from compulsion: he has won the crown of victory and resembles a god”. In other words, the journey is an initiation.



When you are depressed and listen to harmonious music, echoing the music of the spiritual spheres, you are automatically connected with the projection of cosmic energies, which are constructive and carriers of happiness.

It has been said that the sounds that enchant our ears have their origin in the vibrant spheres: but faith surpasses the limits of doubt and sees what it is that softens everything. When life began, at the beginning of time, we heard angels sing … Our memory, although sad and dull, still retains an echo from heaven. Music is the essence of all those who love, music raises hearts to the higher realms, ashes shine, hidden fires are reborn: we listen and feed with joy and peace.



María Trovadora

Besides being a woman and a mother, I am a musician and maker of my reality. Music is my life, it is everything to me. I also have a deep love for languages and their richness and musicality.

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