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The healing power of sound.

Some sounds can have an enormous healing power. If we listen opening our being and letting the sound penetrate every cell of our body, we will experience the incredible benefits of this therapy. The only requirement is to flow and let us go …

Music influences your breathing rate, blood pressure, stomach contractions, and hormone levels.

What one hears can affect both positively and negatively.

Music helps to perform tasks of all kinds, and the more boring and unpleasant is the task, the better is received. For example, the songs of the slaves, which encouraged them to continue.

Sound is a great healer, it is a universal modifier of moods.

Music has the ability to reduce anxiety and the sensation of pain. It apparently works by blocking typical operating room sounds that cause anxiety in patients. Other qualities that sound provokes are greater self-esteem, greater relaxation, less nervous tension, and a positive mental attitude.

Many experiments have been carried out with growing plants and music, and it has been concluded that plants flourish when certain music or notes are played in their proximity. Plants germinate quickly or give a higher yield in the presence of a wide variety of sounds. Although it is clear that no gardener dedicated to their plants needs statistics to prove that plants have feelings.

In Buddhist philosophy, the universe is created and destroyed at every moment. For the Sufis, an esoteric branch of Islam, God’s desire to know himself produced their division into infinity of consciences and what really becomes conscious is the soul. In fact, music belongs to the soul, and this is where it heals.

The physical body, the mental body and the spiritual body are held together by a certain system of vibrations. A person is ill when has a mismatch, a lack of coordination between the three bodies (physical, mental and spiritual). This vibrational incoordination leads to disease of the physical body. To correct it we can resort to musical vibrations. Music can heal serious illnesses.

The Egyptians knew very sophisticated surgical techniques and were capable of anesthetizing with music. While the surgeon operated, a priest or priestess remained in the room in order to keep the soul at a distance from the body.

Since ancient Greek times, many philosophers, historians, and scientists have written about music as a therapeutic art.

María Trovadora

Besides being a woman and a mother, I am a musician and maker of my reality. Music is my life, it is everything to me. I also have a deep love for languages and their richness and musicality.

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