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There are sounds that heal

Music and sound therapy, which has become very famous in recent times, uses music in a very successful way and with very positive results. Tibetan bowls, along with other instruments from ancient civilizations, are fascinating thanks to their sonority. They come from the Himalayan area, and each of them is made by hand with an alloy of seven and up to nine metals in varying amounts and shapes. In all ages, men have established the correspondence between metals and our Solar System. Here are some examples:

  • GOLD – Sun
  • SILVER – Moon
  • MERCURY – Mercury
  • COPPER – Venus
  • IRON – Mars
  • TIN – Jupiter
  • LEAD – Saturn

This alloy, whose exact proportions are kept in secret as if it were a precious recipe, has to be exposed to the crescent / full Moon to be charged with its energy. The origin of Tibetan bowls dates back 7000 years, and is lost in ancient mystical traditions. It is said that Gautama Buddha have already used these singing bowls to accompany meditation. Today, they are still used in Himalayan monasteries and in many parts of Asia to calm, clarify and focus thoughts and feelings during meditation.


Each Tibetan bowl is different, it has a specific character and timbre that makes it unique from the rest. In addition to its rich sound, the bowl can help us to enter in silence with ourselves and develop listening. When these Tibetan bowls are played – and anyone can do it, it is not necessary to have musical knowledge – they emit strong vibrations that reach our brain and the rest of the body. These vibrations with frequencies are the same that appear registered in our brain when we are relaxed or about to sleep. They are called Alpha waves and they penetrate our skin, massaging each cell of our bones, dragging blockages and harmonizing imbalances that they find in their path. These blockages can come from physical, emotional or energetic problems, from the present or from the past, that have left their mark on our body. The vibration of the bowls helps our vital energy flow better, and connects us with the present, the here and now that we have lost so much in our western society, so busy and stressed.

It would do us good to stop our frenetic rhythm from time to time and to listen to our inner voice, which is full of wisdom, and wants to tell us many things, but we sometimes do not listen or we don’t want to know. Tibetan bowls will help us develop that listening, and will help us find some of the answers to the great questions of existence.

María Trovadora

Besides being a woman and a mother, I am a musician and maker of my reality. Music is my life, it is everything to me. I also have a deep love for languages and their richness and musicality.

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