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In the past, all nature must have been more alive and aware than it is today, and that is why it was possible for the clever man to do things and cause phenomena that we can come to consider incredible and fabulous. There were then bards who were able to apply the strange sounds of their wonderful instruments in such a way that they awakened the secret life of the forests, the spirits hidden in the trunks of the trees, could revive the dead seeds in barren wastelands. so that the gardens bloomed instantly, tamed terrible beasts, and could transform violent torrents into still waters, and carry dead stones in a regular dance move. At the same time they were soothsayers and preachers, legislators and healers, superior beings responded to their magical art and instructed them in the secrets of the future, the natural proportions and structures of all things, and revealed to them the inner virtues and powers of the gods. number, plants and other creatures.

The Celtic spiritual world has a constant quality that is peculiar to it, and that must be the result of something more than a purely literary tradition. The natural sound of the whistling of the wind, the silver bell tolls heard in the ocean, the Breton village of Ys sunk under the waves where the submerged cathedral can still be heard… These are just examples of all this Celtic imagery. A Welsh woman said: “I think there must be an intermediate state between earthly and heavenly life, and this may be where spirits and fairies live.”



Stimuli such as the sound of the water of a stream, or the song of the birds, or the intense green color of the field in spring, or the mixture of colors of the flowers, or the hues of autumn … all the variety of colours cleanses us, heals and feeds the soul.

The cure of mental illnesses and psychological disorders is very effective if the patient is put in contact with nature. Nature has the power to move the sick soul, and it can heal many of our ailments. The sounds of nature are very powerful: the wind, the rain, the cicadas at sunset (the moments of twilight and dawn are the most mysterious of the day, they are moments of calm and when everything is about to happen…). That is why it is so important that we connect with nature, that we return to it, it is waiting for us, so that we listen to it and reveal many of its mysteries.

Also the sound of the waves of the sea moves us and excites us, because life began in the sea, and our memory still remembers something of its origins, they are the original sounds, the most essential for us, that transport us to states of deep relaxation It would be like coming home.

The Sun makes sounds that are audible on Earth. Why is a man’s voice not heard during the day as it is heard at night? Due to the wheel of the Sun that saws in the sky as a carpenter saws cedars. The sounds of the rising Sun surpass the sound of the strings and the singing of the birds. Every year the Sun or Apollo pours out the notes or harmonious sounds of his lyre on the ethereal matter that is hidden in the land and the sea. These tones remain hidden in the creatures, like fire hides in wood, from where anyone who lights a flame or brings another fire closer to it can make it come out. In the same way, he who knows the true Apollonian tones of objects can make them act and attract them to himself. That is, if this power is discovered and used for the good of humanity, there is hope for a better future.

Here on Earth we are mere caterpillars until we allow ourselves to be penetrated and enveloped by a music that has its origin in the starry spheres: in the soft harp strings of the stars. Thus we wait for the moment, whether in a trance or when we die, when our cocoons will open and we will awaken as beings with wings in the soul that can fly back to our true house of light. Music alone can transport us on this journey.

María Trovadora

Besides being a woman and a mother, I am a musician and maker of my reality. Music is my life, it is everything to me. I also have a deep love for languages and their richness and musicality.

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