Edgar Cayce prophesied that sound would be the medicine of the future. And the truth is that we are moving towards that future. As we do so, more and more information – and misinformation – about sound and its ability to heal is becoming apparent. This has led me to write The Seven Secrets of Healing Sounds, to help understand the multitude of different forms this modality has taken. (…).
Why heal with sound? My story begins one night in 1980 in a bar by the sea in the city of Marshfield, Massachusetts (United States): I was part of a rock and roll band. I had previously belonged to various groups since I taught myself to play the guitar after watching The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. That night in 1980, however, I was aware that, apart from the alcohol and other drugs that the club’s patrons might be consuming, the music that my band and I were playing was contributing to an atmosphere of negativity. So I thought, “What if I could use music to make people feel better?” The concept of using sound for healing did not enter my mind until a few weeks later. But that thought, the idea of using sound – and more specifically music – to make people feel good, completely changed my life.
Shortly thereafter I began to search for information about all aspects of sound as a healing and transformational modality. This happened back in the early eighties, when the internet did not yet exist and it was not easy to access specialized information (and misinformation). But if there was an esoteric bookstore in any town we passed through, I would find it.
Thanks to the founding of the Sound Healers Association, I was able to access even more confidential information about sound. I am a very good self-taught person, I like to teach myself and, without a doubt, I did it to a great extent, although I also received lessons on all kinds of topics, from the physical aspect of sound to the creation of vocal harmonics.(…)
Anyone can receive extraordinary benefits by delving into this form of healing and learning how to use sound to reduce stress and pain, relax, promote sleep, and much more. (…)
Get on board. We’re about to ride the sound wave!
Preface of the book The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing (Jonathan Goldman)